The Day Of The Drone
It was a hot but windy day back in 2015, and I was looking to sell my DJI Phantom drone.
I decided to trade it at the amazing Wex Photographic In Norwich.
so I loaded up the battery and was set for my trial flight,
after Calibration I was ready to start up this odd looking beast.
I offered it over to the sales assistant and he was quick to take the controller.
With in seconds the wind had got it so he pushed up on the controller to avoid hitting the wall which was the right thing to do.
Now I was not to bothered at this time as the DJI has a failsafe
and will return home, so I took the controller from him with a big smile on my face.
As I looked at the controller I couldn't believe I had forgotten to switch the GPS and return home function on........
Now the first thing I did was to switch the two options on but as I looked into the sun I could not see the drone.
I was panicking one sales assistant ran out of wex and towards the main road,
the other guy just stood there.
Now the airport is not too far from Wex in fact its probably only about two miles as the drone flys.
within seconds I was alone with my wife, I turned to her and said "thats it its gone what we going to do its gone', The next thing was police sirens screaming along the main road my heart was in my mouth.
Now take a look at the picture above, the blue dot is wex where the drone took off from,
and as I decided my fate I took one last look into the very blue sky......
It had started to loose power and was returning home but only to the spot I had put that function on which was Asda shopping centre I quicky set off on foot to just see it disappear behind a row of very overgrown foliage.
with panic set right in now but with no police in sight I made a run for it across 4 lines of traffic to fined the drone sitting in a loading area the green spot on the picture.
Now I left the drone with them and the next day they gave me an offer of £200 which I gladly accepted.
Thanks Chris.